Friday, July 18, 2008

Postponed Visit

Well, today's visit to the specialist was a little frustrating. I'll spare you the details, but basically we've known since November that I have a congenital, degenerative, untreatable condition called spinocerebellar ataxia, so the visit today seemed pretty pointless. Jamila was a great travel companion/co-pilot, but we didn't learn much ... except why Botox wouldn't help my condition since I don't need to specifically relax any particular muscles.

In defense of my doc, though, I should mention that he scheduled this follow-up appointment ...
  1. ... to shift our annual visits to summer in order to avoid snow storms like the one that coincided with our last appointment.
  2. ... because he is willing to keep me on (rather than send me back to my local doc) due to several unsettling comments my local neurologist had made.
The major disappointment was that I still do not have the 3 test results that were pending last time I went. Hopefully, my doctor will email them to me very soon.

Right now I'm feeling pretty wiped out (my legs are achy), so it's probably not a good time to post, but generally I just stay pretty inactive & I feel fine.

Thanks so much for praying!