Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Big Bill & the Lord's Wonderful Provision

We had a bit of a shock when we received the bill from the lab in Massachusetts. We had misunderstood the various insurance explanations & thought we were covered from the costs of this "for profit" organization that was performing the Complete Ataxia Evaluation, which is designed to analyze DNA. We were then required to send 25% of the bill amount to the lab, along with an application to qualify for paying only that amount, copies of certain documents, etc, within 30 days of our receipt of the lab bill. The 25% was just about covered by the government's stimulus tax return, which came to us just at the right time. We then received prompt word that our application was accepted & that everything was squared away with the lab! (What a quick answer to prayer!) Loving brethren have also generously helped us with the amount of the bill above and beyond that tax return, and we are very thankful for them and for the practical love they have expressed!

Just to keep you up on my mobility (or lack thereof) ... We found a corner of our bedroom where the computer can fit. (It used to be downstairs, and I rarely go down at all any more.) David and the older girls help a lot with laundry downstairs. I spend a lot of time here at the computer -- it's the safest for me to not tempt my poor balance much, so I stay off my feet a great deal. The downside is that I have gained quite a bit of weight. The combination of my inactivity and my hypoglycemia makes it almost impossible for me to loose any of it since if I cut back on my protein intake, I become quite ill.

The other thing that has helped me quite a bit (in addition to having the computer upstairs) is that my dear, handy husband has fastened two grab bars: one to make it easier for me to step up onto our back stoop in order to enter by the back door and the other to use as I step into our bathtub easier.

Hershey has moved my appointment to 14 July, so I will update after that. Thanks again for all your prayers and expression of concern.

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