Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I am NOT complaining ...

... actually, a little amused ... I'm just noticing how the Lord makes us anticipate glory. I now can name

1. Some neuro-muscular disorder
2. Hypoglycemia
3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome &
4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

on my list of chronic problems. I realize that many folks struggle with 1 or 2 of these, but it's all hit me within a few years. I guess it's true what they say about our bodies falling apart by age 40. ;-)

EDIT: My Christian cyber-friend Jennifer has the same list, except her #1 is rheumatoid arthritis. Pretty weird, huh?

EDIT # 2: I think the IBS diagnosis was made pretty hastily & am pretty sure I have no such thing. (See my 22 November, 2007, post.)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Many Sincere Thanks!

Having spent a wonderful time at the Carlisle ladies retreat, where Margy Tripp spoke on Relationships, I must express to all my Carlisle friends how much your concern & words of encouragement uplift me. It means a great deal to me to know that you pray often for me. I LOVE each of you!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Answered Prayer

I have been praying for my focus to be off myself & my problems. There's a fairly new older couple in our church -- he's in his 80's & she's battling the late stages of cancer. I am unable to do much for this couple, but just seeing them at church & praying for them has helped me to look outward.

A second answer to that prayer is that I have been studying a book (in preparation to co-lead our ladies' spring retreat -- very tiny) that I have been very excited about for at least 10 years: Encouragement ~ the Key to Caring by Larry Crabb & Dan Allender. I cannot recommend this book more highly to you than I do! One theme in the book is that I must totally rely on the Lord, especially when we have no human to lean on. The book really is helpful, particularly in identifying the difference between needs & desires: Need ~ my goal is to obey Christ in looking for ways to encourage others on in their walk with God; desire ~ I PRAY for God to send encouragement into my life -- I desire not to be lonely.

A third answer to this prayer is having friends who live in Izmir, Turkey, here in our town for the week. It is so invigorating to be excited about God's work in Turkey!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Misc. Thots

The Lord so simplified my day!! First, the rain meant that David could be home with the kids while I went to the neurologist, as well as a ladies' fellowship luncheon. Secondly, the afore-mentioned field trip is scheduled for next week, so I was able to take one of my daughters with me to the neurologist appointment.

My parents' & my daughter's reflexes are all normal. I was given a muscle relaxant prescription to improve symptoms. When I return again with my sister (which will probably prove fruitless as well), my neurologist will schedule my DNA blood test (which MAY confirm the genetic theory, though results are often inconclusive) & perhaps a spinal tap to rule out MS, which he does not suspect.

Let me explain something at this point. Even though the majority of my friends react with relief that I do not likely have MS, this is probably not good news. For 1 thing, MS is treatable; a genetic degenerative disease probably is not. For another, MS or not, my symptoms & struggles remain the same.

Monday, October 16, 2006


My handicapped parking placard came in the mail Saturday, & I used it twice today already. Hey, every little bit helps.

Tomorrow's my parents' reflex test, so we'll see what we learn from that.... I had hoped to take my 1 daughter that seems the most like me in so many ways, but she has a field trip that won't get her back to the school in time. So I'll take her next time I have an appointment with the neurologist.

Friday, October 06, 2006


My legs tire easily. I walk as little as possible. My family doctor signed an application to the dep't of transportation for me to get a temp. handicapped parking decal. I'm waiting for it to come in the mail. If I walk very slowly, I am alright.

The longer I lie in bed (when I collapse for the night), the more my legs hurt. Occasionally, I take a muscle relaxant; otherwise I toss & turn quite a bit.

Some members of my family (parents & siblings) see my neurologist 17 October to see if the hereditary theory can be confirmed by testing their reflexes. I'll let you know what happens then.

Thanks for your prayers & concern!