Friday, October 20, 2006

Answered Prayer

I have been praying for my focus to be off myself & my problems. There's a fairly new older couple in our church -- he's in his 80's & she's battling the late stages of cancer. I am unable to do much for this couple, but just seeing them at church & praying for them has helped me to look outward.

A second answer to that prayer is that I have been studying a book (in preparation to co-lead our ladies' spring retreat -- very tiny) that I have been very excited about for at least 10 years: Encouragement ~ the Key to Caring by Larry Crabb & Dan Allender. I cannot recommend this book more highly to you than I do! One theme in the book is that I must totally rely on the Lord, especially when we have no human to lean on. The book really is helpful, particularly in identifying the difference between needs & desires: Need ~ my goal is to obey Christ in looking for ways to encourage others on in their walk with God; desire ~ I PRAY for God to send encouragement into my life -- I desire not to be lonely.

A third answer to this prayer is having friends who live in Izmir, Turkey, here in our town for the week. It is so invigorating to be excited about God's work in Turkey!

1 comment:

Maxine said...

Hi Phoebe,
We had the same friends from Turkey at our church last Sunday. So I suppose you still do not know what the condition is. Keep leaning on the Lord. Sounds simplistic, but that's what we have to do--every single day.
God bless.