Friday, December 01, 2006

I see the light at the end of the tunnel...

... with respect to this neuro-muscular metabolic investigation. The Parkinsons med (carbidopa/levo) did not help, so enough of that. I will have 2 DNA blood tests in about a week: Ceruloplasm & very long chain fatty acids. There is a low probability that either will show anything, but these are the 2 tests that could lead to some treatment, & these 2 are relatively inexpensive in comparison with other possible tests (which wouldn't even lead to treatment anyway!)

So, I am not saying we will have a diagnosis with these tests. I may, but even if I don't, that will probably be the end of persuing a diagnosis. I am just relieved that this road is almost at an end. My leg strength & balance is declining, but the Lord's grace is sufficient. Thank you all for your continued prayers.

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