Wednesday, December 27, 2006


It looks like I have some disorder in the family of Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis. The main problem is that I experience soreness & fatigue with very little use of my legs. Boy, am I thankful for my handicapped parking placard! I also lose my balance very easily, in part because of the spasticity of my muscles & also because of my hyper-reflexia. Another symptom has been the sluggishness of throat muscles that are necessary in clear speech. Blood DNA tests have come back negative for the branches of this HSP which have treatment. This condition is degenerative, & all we can do is try to treat my symptoms, which have been getting progressively worse for at least 10 years. Nothing so far has helped, except knowing my physical limitations (not that I always get off my feet in time :D).

Thanks for your prayers and expressions of concern!

I'm OK.

1 comment:

Maxine said...

Hello Phoebe,
I hope this will post successfully this time. Prayers will indeed be continuing from here. I'll be praying that God will keep you and Dave and the girls through your trial and uphold you. I know you'll be looking to HIm. I have never heard of this, but He knows all about it. May He give more strength and a blessed new year.