Wednesday, October 01, 2008


The physical therapy ℞ came in the mail today (4 Oct)! David reminded me that the doctor months ago had said it wouldn't hurt, but it wouldn't help either, so we'll see...

I have been less active, so seldom experience great leg or foot pain. The most recent development in the last month is that when I stand after sitting for any length of time and also during the night, I experience extreme tightness in my calf muscles ("Charlie horses").

I almost forgot to mention 2 other progressions that I have noticed. 1 is a more noticeable stiffness of my knees. I often experience pain in them, & they give out frequently. The other is that stepping on the tiniest pebble (a mm or 2 in diameter) at the wrong spot on the bottom of my foot has made my leg totally & suddenly give out (1 Sep 08).

1 comment:

VA ~Susan said...

Dear Phoebe,
I will pray that the therapy will prove to be helpful. Maybe it can help to keep your muscles from cramping. May God give you patience, strength and grace to endure this affliction and may He be pleased to bring healing to your body. We know that our Great Physician is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine.
I'm praying for you.