Saturday, November 01, 2008


I met my physical therapist yesterday. She evaluated and tallied my "balance score," which was something like 30 out of 50. She'll give me a printout of her report when I go next week. I am to see her 3 times next week.

Two new things she told me about are that ...
  1. ... she will set me up with a weighted pen, weighted spoon, etc, so that my brain can easier assess the location of these utensils.
  2. ... she will get me hooked up with an ataxia newsletter, which would be helpful identifying resources, etc.
It is amazing (& slightly alarming) to realize how taxing just a PT evaluation session was on my legs yesterday. My knees and shins were in great pain afterwards, but a couple acetaminophens did the trick. My one shin was even paining during the wee hours of the morning today.

Anyhow, I really like and feel confident with my physical therapist & will report on the progress.

EDIT: Berg balance score = 38/56


VA ~Susan said...

Dear Phoebe,
I'm praying about your physical therapy sessions. Has she said anything to you about doing water therapy which is easier for those with poor balance?

May God strengthen and heal you. Keep us posted.

VA ~Susan said...

How did your therapy go this week, Phoebe?

Phoebe said...

Actually, Susan, we won't know for another week or so if it even helps at all. After Wednesday's session, I was an emotional wreck, which is probably one reason I'm not so vocal about P.T. It really highlights my physical limitations and leaves me pretty "played out."

VA ~Susan said...

Sorry that the PT was so hard on you. I hope the new shoes will make your walking easier and steadier for you.
I'm praying for you.