Friday, October 06, 2006


My legs tire easily. I walk as little as possible. My family doctor signed an application to the dep't of transportation for me to get a temp. handicapped parking decal. I'm waiting for it to come in the mail. If I walk very slowly, I am alright.

The longer I lie in bed (when I collapse for the night), the more my legs hurt. Occasionally, I take a muscle relaxant; otherwise I toss & turn quite a bit.

Some members of my family (parents & siblings) see my neurologist 17 October to see if the hereditary theory can be confirmed by testing their reflexes. I'll let you know what happens then.

Thanks for your prayers & concern!

1 comment:

Maxine said...

Hi Phoebe, I just read this. I'll be remembering you in prayer and waiting to here what happens on the 17th. God be with you.