Thursday, September 14, 2006

Just a Thot ...

Those motorized wheelchairs at Wall*Mart are looking awfully tempting ....

EDIT: My neurologist says to walk as much as possible to allow those muscles to keep working. So, I guess I'll keep using the shopping carts to steer & steady me. ;-)


Maxine said...

Phoebe, I didn't know until now that you were here at Blogger. I went to check on you at Yahoo 360 and got this URL. I also had no idea that you were having these paticular medical issues. I am so sorry about what you've been going through and will by all means be keeping you in prayer.I put this blog in my blogs file and will be checking on you. The Lord be with you.

AgapeTheologian said...

Keep standing firm. I replied to your comment on ApiringTheoloian's website. It will appear after he publishes it. Keep fighting the temptations of giving up. The Lord is watching over you.


Laya said...

Hi dear Phoebe,
Thank you for the update. This is scary stuff, eh? My "free advice" is to take good care of you. Be tender with you and everyone in your family. We know that everything that comes our way, even the trials, are to help us grow as a soul. And, even with that, it doesn't make it easy. So comfort yourself with lots of healthy nurturing.

I say go for the electric carts at wal-mart. I've used them when I need to--that's what they're there for. You can even have fun with them. (just watch where you're driving! :-))

I'm sending love and hugs, a nice deep breath and smiles all for your heart.
