Saturday, September 02, 2006

5 August, 2006

Just an update for those of you who have been praying (& a HUGE "THANK YOU" to you!)

...This a.m. I did get my blood drawn, so we'll see what comes of that. Then I must've eaten my bag breakie (left-over humus ) in time cuz my blood-sugar seemed unaffected.

My family doc retrieved my MRI results [normal] from yesterday already. He had a migraine injection given to me, but after a 30 minute wait I was still in great pain, so he gave me a Tylenol+Codeine Rx, as well as 1 for a muscle relaxant for bed-time. The Tylenol 3 seems to be helping quite a bit(some pain, but present less consistently & much more bearable -- no tears!). Yay!!

I see a neurologist on the 22nd, so we will begin (Lord willing) to find out what does cause this hyper-reflexia & leg weakness since it's nothing that shows up in the MRI's.

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