Saturday, September 02, 2006

7 July, 2006

Last evening I attended a ladies' gathering with friends from the church where I used to live, 30 minutes from here. I felt so awkward, especially when carrying ceramic dessert plate & coffee mug down the brick steps from the kitchen to the patio. Most of these ladies have not seen me much for a number of years & have no idea what I am struggling with.On the drive home I just wanted to cry. But I was so encouraged by singing this Scripture song that, incidentally, I learned in my high school youth group with last night's hostess & her husband as my youth leaders. They taught us this song by Amy Killion. (The 2 verses from II Corinthians 12:9 & Isaiah 40:31 are normally sung separately, & then simultaneously. Obviously, I had to content myself with singing them separately.)

My grace is sufficient, is sufficient for you:
For my strength is made perfect in weakness.
My grace is sufficient, is sufficient for you:
For my strength is made perfect in weakness.
They that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles;
They shall run, and not be weary; they'll walk, and not faint.
For my strength is made perfect in weakness.

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