Thank you for your comment on my blog! If your a sovereign grace believer you'll LOVE this song. I tried to put a link here, but I couldnt, but just go to this address. Its a great song and the words are a beautiful truth . Glenda, saved by grace!
I stumbled across your blog from AspiringTheologian. Doctrine of Grace web site seemed very interesting. Thanks for sharing that with us. Have a nice day!
Hi again, I don't have IM but you can email me through my website and I can email you back privatly if you want to be in touch that way. ( Stay strong, keep doing what you're doing.
Thanks for making the comment on my site. I don't know if I have time to get involved in another site for discussion right now, and I don't really want to jump into a well-made conversation mid-stream. But if you want to copy and paste anything that I've written, you're more than welcome to.
Another comment I'd like to make is that if someone doesn't believe in doctrine of common grace, a good question to ask is, "Isn't anything an unsaved person has on earth an act of grace?" Meaning, they deserve Hell now, right? But God is longsuffering. Anyway, you've probably already made a comment like that, but if not, just thought I'd add some more thoughts....
Again, thanks for visiting my site. Lordwilling, I will have more theological topics that will be encouraging in the future....
Thanks for stopping by my site. First off, I do know how to change your name. I've done it a couple of times. Sign into your dashboard. Then click 'edit profile'. Once you've done that, scroll down and it says something like, "Change identity." I hope that makes sense.
Also, you said that baptism shouldn't be made an issue. I would say, an issue is different then debating/discussing different views. That can be totally well as long as we point one another towards Christ. AspriringTheologian and I have made very many comments, some we disagree on but as far as I can tell, we have never come out of a debate through blogs upset at one another.
Anyways, Maybe I will see you either in my Theologial post, PT2 posts, or AspirringTheologians post.
I actually barely know much Arabic; however, my sister used to be married to a Muslim who is from Hebron, Israel.... So, that's the connection I have with the palestinian community.
(Photo taken October 2013)
I am a 47-year-old stay-at-home mother of 4 beautiful girls ranging in age from 9 to 16 years old. My husband David is my best friend. I am certified to teach K-8th grades and am using this skill in evaluating homeschool portfolios for school district submission. I have taught in the elementary grades and have also had several (enjoyable!) years of experience teaching English as a Second Language in the middle school, high school, and adult levels.
Thank you for your comment on my blog! If your a sovereign grace believer you'll LOVE this song. I tried to put a link here, but I couldnt, but just go to this address. Its a great song and the words are a beautiful truth .
Glenda, saved by grace!
I stumbled across your blog from AspiringTheologian. Doctrine of Grace web site seemed very interesting. Thanks for sharing that with us. Have a nice day!
In Prayers,
Hi again, I don't have IM but you can email me through my website and I can email you back privatly if you want to be in touch that way. ( Stay strong, keep doing what you're doing.
Marhaba (sp?),
Thanks for making the comment on my site. I don't know if I have time to get involved in another site for discussion right now, and I don't really want to jump into a well-made conversation mid-stream. But if you want to copy and paste anything that I've written, you're more than welcome to.
Another comment I'd like to make is that if someone doesn't believe in doctrine of common grace, a good question to ask is, "Isn't anything an unsaved person has on earth an act of grace?" Meaning, they deserve Hell now, right? But God is longsuffering. Anyway, you've probably already made a comment like that, but if not, just thought I'd add some more thoughts....
Again, thanks for visiting my site. Lordwilling, I will have more theological topics that will be encouraging in the future....
Thanks for stopping by my site. First off, I do know how to change your name. I've done it a couple of times. Sign into your dashboard. Then click 'edit profile'. Once you've done that, scroll down and it says something like, "Change identity." I hope that makes sense.
Also, you said that baptism shouldn't be made an issue. I would say, an issue is different then debating/discussing different views. That can be totally well as long as we point one another towards Christ. AspriringTheologian and I have made very many comments, some we disagree on but as far as I can tell, we have never come out of a debate through blogs upset at one another.
Anyways, Maybe I will see you either in my Theologial post, PT2 posts, or AspirringTheologians post.
In Prayers,
I actually barely know much Arabic; however, my sister used to be married to a Muslim who is from Hebron, Israel.... So, that's the connection I have with the palestinian community.
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